There is a lot of debate as to what homemakers “should wear”. Some people wear nothing but sweats, others are always wearing floral dresses. And there are people in both of these groups that totally rock it and feel great. Ultimately, this should be a personal choice and you shouldn’t feel pressure to dress a certain way just based on being a homemaker. Personally, my preference is to ride the line between feeling comfortable and feeling “put together”. I also don’t like wearing things that will get in the way when I am doing the tasks that I need to do for the day. So what I wear as a homemaker is going to be different on mostly cleaning days, mostly cooking days, or days that I am working outside.

Cleaning Days

For cleaning days especially, my go to are my favorite leggings. These are incredibly soft and honestly I would happily live in them permanently. They work great with a t-shirt when cleaning the house, but look nice with a blouse for out and about. And they also work great for under dresses in the fall and winter when it is cold. I feel like sometimes people are pretty judgmental about anyone who wears yoga pants or leggings on a regular basis but honestly, all that really matters is that you feel good about yourself.

Cooking Days

On cooking days, especially when we are having company over, I tend to want to dress up a little bit and wear soft dresses, like this pretty floral dress. Then I put a cute apron over it to protect it. I am currently working on sewing a different apron for each season based on this pattern. I like the vintage vibes from them and am very excited for them to be finished.

Working Outside Days

On days when I am working outside, it is all dependent on the season and the weather. In the summer I love wearing tank tops and denim shorts and just soaking in all the wonderful sunshine. It makes gardening feel almost like a vacation for me. In the fall and winter though, you can’t go wrong with classic jeans. They protect you from scuffs and if they get a little dirty, oh well.

I hope this post helps you to feel accepted and validated on whatever you choose to wear as a homemaker. And I feel like with as varied of a job as homemaking is, it makes sense to have a large amount of variation in our wardrobes. So embrace the changes! And don’t feel stuck. It doesn’t matter what other people think. What matters is how you feel, both inside and out.