• Seasonal Eating: How to Adapt Your Kitchen to Changing Seasons

    Seasonal Eating: How to Adapt Your Kitchen to Changing Seasons

    Many changes throughout the year can affect how you use your kitchen. In the warmer months it feels natural to lean toward fresh, light foods whereas in the winter people love warm, filling foods. Going a step further, focusing on eating foods when they are in season (and preserving them for future seasons) can really…

  • Craft Charity Projects for Preemie Babies

    Craft Charity Projects for Preemie Babies

    Today I’d like to share one of my all time favorite charities. Preemies of the Carolinas is a beautiful charity that provides homemade blankets, hats, and inspirational hearts to preemie babies in multiple NICU’s throughout North and South Carolina. They also send packets to parents nationwide that have a baby staying in a NICU. I…

  • Cheap Date Ideas

    Cheap Date Ideas

    Regular dates are so important. No matter what stage you are at in the relationship, having special times for bonding and recreation together can greatly strengthen your relationship. But these dates don’t have to break the bank. Some of the most fun dates are either free or very inexpensive and can encourage you to break…

  • What I Wear As A Homemaker

    What I Wear As A Homemaker

    There is a lot of debate as to what homemakers “should wear”. Some people wear nothing but sweats, others are always wearing floral dresses. And there are people in both of these groups that totally rock it and feel great. Ultimately, this should be a personal choice and you shouldn’t feel pressure to dress a…

  • 5 Things I’ve Let Go of For My Self Care

    5 Things I’ve Let Go of For My Self Care

    Sometimes it feels like there is just too much pressure. Whether it is from the world, your job, your family, your friends, or just from yourself. This weight can really start to affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. So sometimes we have to sit down, take a minute, and really think about which weights are…

  • How to Grow and Care for Long Hair

    How to Grow and Care for Long Hair

    For most of my life, I have kept my hair very long. I like the old fashioned vibes and it helps me feel elegant. I’m definitely not perfect in my hair care routine, but I wanted to share with you the things that have helped me to grow and care for long hair. Disclaimer: I…

  • Homemaking for Busy People

    Homemaking for Busy People

    I don’t always love home management but I love homemaking. I am distinguishing between these two terms because I believe that homemaking is the art of making a house feel like a home whereas home management is all of the tasks that keep a household running, including things like budgeting and meal planning. So homemaking…

  • Managing Everyday Chores for Busy People

    Managing Everyday Chores for Busy People

    Everyone has dishes and laundry, they are pretty unavoidable. And all spaces need to be cleaned up occasionally. I’ve found that these things weigh on me when they get out of control, and it is worth prioritizing the time to keep up on them. Here are a few tips I have for making it easier…

  • Meal Planning for Busy People

    Meal Planning for Busy People

    Meal planning is such a huge part of home management because people have to eat several times a day and if you aren’t prepared for that, it could cost you way more time and money than it needs to. If you have checked out my previous post, Budgeting for Busy People, and put together a…

  • Budgeting Tips for Busy People

    Budgeting Tips for Busy People

    It seems like the hardest times to budget and manage our money is when we need it the most. For me, during college was when it was the most important for me to budget, but also the most difficult due to a busy schedule and other obligations. Remember that budgeting is going to look different…

  • Home Management Tips for Busy People

    Home Management Tips for Busy People

    In life, there are many things competing for your time. Sometimes home management seems like just another thing for your to-do list. But employing simple techniques can help add valuable structure and routine to things you would have to handle anyways. From budgeting your income, to providing yourself with a calm and peaceful place to…

  • My Container Garden Plans for 2023

    My Container Garden Plans for 2023

    Not having the land to do a traditional garden shouldn’t stop you from enjoying beautiful, fresh produce. Starting a container garden is a great way to get many of the benefits of a garden without the space requirements. There is really a lot you can do with just a few pots and a sunny balcony,…

  • Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    Mother’s Day is a beautiful day to honor all the wonderful mothers and mother figures in our lives. The spirit of being a mother is such a powerful one. Filled with love, protection, and joy. They deserve to be celebrated. Here are some gift ideas for mother’s day. Bath Products There are so many mother’s…

  • My Top Homemaking Distractions and How I Overcome Them

    My Top Homemaking Distractions and How I Overcome Them

    Working from home always comes with an extra share of distractions. When your job is to take care of the home, they can be even harder to resist. But we still have so many responsibilities that we need to take care of! From cooking dinner, to keeping the garden under control, we have things we…

  • My Favorite Ways to Save Money

    My Favorite Ways to Save Money

    Saving money can be hard, but there are some easy tricks and habits that you can use to make it a little easier and save a little more. Below are 10 of my favorite ways to save money. Stay busy This is the single biggest piece of advice I have for saving money. Most people…

  • Welcoming Springtime Energy into the Home

    Welcoming Springtime Energy into the Home

    Ah Springtime, one of my favorite times of the year. Unfortunately, where I live there are literally 8 inches of snow on the ground and it is STILL snowing. It’s truly crazy. But that makes it even more important for our mental health to find ways to bring springtime energy into our homes. Here are…